The Indian Civil Society has lambasted the Narendra Modi-led New Delhi regime for its criminal negligence amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, arguing that the Indian government has lost its credibility to represent the people of India, and called for strong global political commitment to address the challenges in public health care.
The Covid-19 crisis has underlined the need for more budgetary allocation for healthcare
Covid-19 showed the Indian healthcare system bursting at its seams at the height of the pandemic; patients turned away, doctors and nurses exhausted in their PPE kits.
Governments the world over were forced to spend more on healthcare in the past year. This kind of allocation might have otherwise taken decades.
Pandemics have a way of exposing glaring fault lines. When it comes to the healthcare system, it bares every rot in the system, every loose nail, every creaky rafter, every patient in need of aid and every healthcare worker who is overworked. Covid-19 showed the Indian healthcare system bursting at its seams at the height of the pandemic; patients turned away, doctors and nurses exhausted in their PPE kits.