Rising pressure on underperforming funds could see only a handful remaining in the near future, as the trend of consolidation gathers pace, experts say.
Those nearing retirement ages are being hindered by a lack of innovation on the types of products available, according to Zenith Investment Partners and Chant West. Speaking at a media briefing in S
Financial advisers have been making more of a distinction between accumulation and decumulation portfolios but these approaches are largely ad-hoc with little way of industry standards or benchmarks, according to Zenith.
Budget 2021: Everything you need to know about changes to superannuation
Source: Unsplash/Adam Winger.
The federal budget included help for low-income earners, first-home buyers and downsizers, but made no mention of the superannuation guarantee.
Here’s everything you need to know.
$450 threshold
The best superannuation news in the budget was aimed at the 300,000 Australians who are in work but receive no super.
The Treasurer announced that the $450-a-month income threshold below which employers do not have to pay super would be scrapped before the end of the next financial year.
Women in Super CEO Sandra Buckley said “this is a reform that we have been advocating for a long time”.
26 Apr, 2021
It was heartening to read multiple pieces in
NCE’s April issue about the quickening move towards electric cars, the environmental benefits that will bring and the challenges to our infrastructure.
However, no mention was made of perhaps the largest piece of the jigsaw which is coming steadily into view: the imminent realisation of fully autonomous vehicle software. Once neural network computers, machine vision and AI software have this nut cracked, all the equations change.
Most privately owned vehicles sit idle for 95% of the time taking up valuable parking space. An optimised autonomous fleet will be far more efficient with driverless, right sized and emission-free vehicles moving seamlessly from task to task.