The raids yielded Rs 20 crore in cash, 60 kg of diamond and 50 carat diamond, IT officials, not willing to be identified, told ET. The raids, which began on Wednesday morning at colleges and residences of trustees running these institutions will continue for three more days, IT officials told ET.
The IT department drafted 60 teams for the raids.
The investigation wing officials of the income tax department launched a major crackdown on medical colleges across Karnataka unearthing huge volumes of cash and gold on reports of unlawful sale of MBBS seats to low-merit candidates for huge sums of money.
The raids yielded Rs 20 crore in cash, 60 kg of diamond and 50 carat diamond, IT officials, not willing to be identified, told ET. The raids, which began on Wednesday morning at colleges and residences of trustees running these institutions will continue for three more days, IT officials told ET.