Article – Property and Build The key objectives of the NPS-UD are to increase the development capacity for houses and business, address housing affordability and ensure New Zealand communities are well-functioning urban environments that enable all people and communities to …
The key objectives of the NPS-UD are to increase the development capacity for houses and business, address housing affordability and ensure New Zealand communities are “well-functioning urban environments that enable all people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural wellbeing, and for their health and safety, now and into the future.”
Bayleys national director commercial & industrial Ryan Johnson says it’s already influencing many councils to allow more intensification of residential development.
The key objectives of the NPS-UD are to increase the development capacity for houses and business, address housing affordability and ensure New Zealand communities are “well-functioning urban environments that enable all people and communities to .
Article – Property and Build
The key objectives of the NPS-UD are to increase the development capacity for houses and business,address housing affordability and ensure New Zealand communities are “well-functioning urban environments that enable all people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural wellbeing, and for their health and safety, now and into the future.”
Bayleys national director commercial & industrial Ryan Johnson says it’s already influencing many councils to allow more intensification of residential development.
“According to the reports we’re hearing it seems likely the Government is going to speed up the consenting process before the larger reforms of the RMA that will be fully rolled out in 2024.”
That was one of the key themes to emerge from a Property Foundation-hosted expert panel discussion on a new report by Squires which looked at the funding of bulk infrastructure. The report included a focus on a pilot infrastructure housing charge which was being utilised for the Milldale development currently under way in Wainui, north of Auckland. Infrastructure for the development was being funded via a partnership between Auckland Council, Crown Infrastructure Partners and Fulton Hogan Land Development.
The bright-line test has been doubled in length and tax loopholes have been closed as the Labour Government moves on property speculators.