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this has to do with ukraine, we know that in the final days of july, specifically on july 25th, that there was a phone call between the president of ukraine, zlinski and president trump. that complaint then filed on august 12th. now, this was of such urgent concern, the inspector general found, that he went to the director of national intelligence, the acting director, joseph maguire, who is in theory supposed to forward that then on to the congressional oversight committees. instead, he went to the department of justice, who counseled him that this was not, in fact, part of intelligence activity. it was not part of his jurisdiction. but the inspector general for the intelligence community was so disturbed that he himself went directly to congress. and yesterday, we saw him briefing the house intelligence committee behind closed doors. now, he was very careful this is michael atkinson, the inspector general, to not delve into the details in this complaint. he talked about the process
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absolutely. that sounds like politics. it does. but you re not supposed to admit it. i don t think she had a good answer for that. it s like a linski debate. you may have certain views about abortion, for example, you don t really believe in late-term abortion, you re against it. but your whole crowd is for, you know, a woman making that choice in late term, so you shut up. sure. you don t want to say that s what it is. the way that she said it and the problem is, that e-mail or that transcript in particular so underscored her weakness as a politician who cann t be truste. who s saying one thing to some people, another thing to other people. that s something that came out 30 minutes after this donald trump bombshell of a tape. if that was the big surprise, the atom bomb to use phrases about little and big, the big donald and small donald, nobody likes to say she s giving one mental to the big shots and another one to the little people, the regular people. that