are on verdict watch in the criminal hello. case against donald trump. but tete watch delayed a little bit because the jury has asked for key pieces of testimony. why one side might like that? get more. my wife is fond of flying flags. i am not supreme court justice samuel alito refuses to recuse himself in january this case is despite the controversial flags that trump s supporters have adopted seen at two of his homes had just when you thought that zooms staff who s were so 2020 meet demand, caught driving, driving during a virtual court hearing after being charged for dr we begin with a suspended license i m john berman with kate bolduan. sara is out today and this is cnn news central this morning, prosecutors, defense lawyers, legal hello. so around the world, trying to figure out what the jury is thinking it is. verdict watch and the criminal case against donald trump, the jury has the case. they have been deliberating for four hours, but they asked to be red key
see the above-average temperatures well into triple to territory. all thanks to this heat dome that is suppressing cloud, allowing for maximum sunshine overhead and that means we bake underneath that heat dome triple-digit heat for palm springs, phoenix sacramento, and to las vegas. and guess what? it doesn t stop here no break, not even summer yet. i think i can ever remember when summer starts, but i m just going to say not yet. here are already there. it s great to do, derrick. thank you so much. a, new are xena new central stress now what will donald trump tell his probation officer? they meet today, talk about are to store first for a former president, hunter biden s federal gun trial could go to the jury today. hey, and we could learn any minute while they re hunter biden will choose to testify and brand new trial data on a combination covid and flu vaccine. a first of its kind when might it be available? sara is out, i m john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn n