Mumbai: Every year, many gifted actors come into the industry with dreams of becoming a big star and Bollywood has always welcomed such raw talents with open arms. And according to our sources, one such actor who is going to mark her debut in Hansal Mehta's upcoming movie Faraaz is Reshham Sahaani. Hailing from Mumbai, Reshham Sahaani is a young, talented actress who is all
The Delhi High Court on Tuesday asked the director and producers of movie "Faraaz" to discuss and resolve their disputes with the two victims' mothers, who had moved an appeal challenging the release of the movie based on 2016 Dhaka terror attacks. |
One of the upcoming film’s coming from Hansal Mehta, Faraaz’s trailer was recently released on T-Series’s YouTube channel on Monday. Fans are in love with the performance of Zahaan Kapoor, who is making his acting debut, and Paresh Rawal’s son Aditya Rawal. |