Yu-Gi-Oh may have had its heyday back in the day, but the franchise is far from dead. In fact, the shonen series is making a comeback these days with its card game and nostalgic nature. This all works for the Yu-Gi-Oh fandom as the group has grown as of late, and one artist decided it was time to [.]
Yu-Gi-Oh Goes Viral Thanks to Some Sick Trading Card Jeans
Yu-Gi-Oh has made a comeback in the last few years thanks to a rather surprising source. If you aren t plugged into the anime or trading cards already, you may have been introduced to Yugi through fashion. After all, anime has become something of a niche within the fashion community. And thanks to one fan, they have made
The look comes from an Instagram user we should all check out. Thanks to voidreincarnation, fans of
Yu-Gi-Oh have a new look to aspire to. After all, they made a high-tech pair of jeans that honor Duel Monsters in the best way, and you can find them below.
Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon Fan Offers Big Reward After Thieves Stole Card Collection
Yu-Gi-Oh, these series bring in a ton of cash with their card games, and collectors are all too willing to spend cash on their favorite franchises. However, one fan s impressive collection has found itself compromised after thieves broke into their houses.
Over on Facebook, Sean McCabe shared some upsetting news with fans after their finale Carolyn Colajezzi was targeted by robbers. The fan posted a plea on Facebook that detailed the ordeal and confirmed Colajezzi s collection was nabbed during the robbery. Hey guys, my name is Sean McCabe and I’m posting this on behalf of my fiance, Carolyn Colajezzi. Anyone that knows Carolyn knows she has one of the very best collections of both
Yu-Gi-Oh Art Brings Kaiba s Blue-Eyes White Dragon to Real Life
Yu-Gi-Oh is one of the most enduring anime franchises to date, and fans continue to find the series year after years. Whether you vibe with the anime or card game, there is plenty of stuff in
Yu-Gi-Oh to invest in. Of course, as anime has resurged in the West, there has been increased focus on the future for
Yu-Gi-Oh. And if a live-action movie is ever in thought, well - one artist has a solid take on how Kaiba s favorite monster might look.
The work comes from Instagram user Logan Kehoe Power, a character artist based in Los Angeles. The artist has a ton of concept pieces posted online, but their latest passion project has piqued attention. After all, the mocked up a look for the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and it looks gorgeous.