in between. they refused it all and thehe chairman addressed it. youu erica pelosi, who did you speak to? somebody in her p p office or dd you speak to her on the 6th of january ? we spokespok toe to her her on o after when but and then wanted all ofer her after the president authorized as legally required up to twenty thousand troops. when wasas the speaker made aware that the president had done that ? veryte shortly thereafter, the chain of command as the secretary of the armyai is n in charge of the national guard force. so we sent the secretary of the army and his representatives to capitol hill directly to engagee with thews capitol police and mayor bowser as they had been doing for the weeks before january 6th. and that was outlined in john solomon in your reporting. so we have been engaging them on a daily basis and you showed the letter where the mayor bowser said no and the secretary of the army t and his team were in direct engagement with the police. nancy i pelosi in writin
0 authoritarian state. that is the destruction of democracy. and we can t let them do it. we re doing our part. thank you for joining us for this hour. have the best evening b with the ones you love.see you we ll see you tomorrow. and welcome to hannity. and we start with the fox news alert breaking tonight . we have all three major broadcast networks, fake news, cnn, msnbc, all happily broadcasting well, the dullest the most boringel. there s absolutely nothingng nothing new . multi hour democratic fundraiser masquerading as a january six hearing. going to and by the sounds of it, they re going to do hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of t us produced by a former abc executive, 100% hollywood production with all the creative licensesere that wd go along with that. butt make no mistake, tonight s so-called hearing is not in good faith. it is not an honest probe into the security breakdown on that fateful day and we will prove that to tonight instead it is i a made for tv smear