The upcoming Apple Vision Pro's RAM was unveiled thanks to the Xcode. The promise of the Vision Pro's arrival is set for 2024, but it remains unknown when.
Apple's Vision Pro is coming, but Kuo reveals the expected timeline for the XR headset. Next year is the time for Apple's highly-anticipated expensive and feature-packed wearable is coming, the Apple Vision Pro, and it is its first entry into the mixed-reality business and headsets.
Apple has teased that Vision Pro is coming next year and now, it's expected to debut in March. Ahead of its launch, its 3D environment is teased in the latest X post.
Apple Music Replay 2023 is now live, and you can know the top songs you streamed this year. Since Apple released its version of the year-in reviews for its Apple Music app, the Replay has been a staple to users of the streaming platform, and this year, the company is right on the dot for its availability.