Heichal HaTorah, the Teaneck-based yeshiva high school for boys, is celebrating its 10th anniversary in the coming days, with 100 hours of giving beginning May 3, to raise $1 million for scholarships, and culminating with a special Lag B’Omer event on May 8 at Dream Live Space at American Dream Mall.
On Sunday, October 17, Yeshivas Beis Hillel of Passaic unfurled the white banner hanging above the front of the building to reveal the dedication of the state-of-the-art campus as the “Shirley E. and Avrom R. Vann Campus.” To the delight of all assembled, including the children, grandchildren and young great-grandchildren of the Vanns, the newly revealed letters reflect the long and focused journey of the Vanns in their philanthropic pursuits.