charged with fraud and indentity theft - hhs resigned. and will soon go to court. in the mmantime,,the viitims is stuck with a big wants justice.and she says she - tarshia tanner used to live at the muccullough apartments. a public housing complex. when she moved out, she tried setting up a b-g-e account at her new apartmeet and was told she already had an account in her name. with an ouustanding bill offmore tthn 15 unnred bucks. she didn t recognize the address listed with the bogus account, so she man who answered told her that the previous resident was a housing authooity employee. homes. and had accees to residents private information - including social security numbers and birttdates.after some more digging. tanner went to the housing complex manager and investigators.the employee - sholanda lowe - has resigned and is now facing charges.but the investigation is still uuderway. < the case is currently ii the nspector general s office and she is reviewing the case. once