Amidst confusion over guidelines, the city witnessed peaceful and smooth Ganesha Chaturthi celebrations, with BBMP officials revealing that 93,524 idols were immersed on Friday alone in different zones. Despite the last-minute decision by the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) to allow idol immersions in lakes, idols dissolved in lakes were 68% more than those immersed
Three bikers, also riding without helmets ,met with an accident, killing one at Basavanagudi, the police said.
Four youngsters lost their lives in two separate accidents in Bengaluru on Sunday while triple riding on motorbikes in a drunken state, the police said.
According to the police, three of them died in a single accident after a joyride turned fatal in Hoskote, on the outskirts of the city. The deceased have been identified as Lavaneeth (23), who was a football coach, Rajesh (24), and Harish (24) –– both were small-scale entrepreneurs.
“The trio was returning from a party at a friend’s place. While all three had consumed alcohol, Rajesh –– who was riding the scooter –– failed to notice a truck parked near the Hoskote toll booth. He lost control of the vehicle and rammed into it. All three sustained severe head injuries as they were not wearing helmets which led to their death on the spot,” a policeman said.