perched on a precarious network of wooden poles, they hoist together. the catch these days? not much. anthony: oh yeah? ogi: yeah. anthony: ogi is a wagenia fisherman, and was a guide, bringing tourists to his village. since the last two wars, kisangani tourism has been pretty much nonexistent. chief of the wagenia, pierre mosala abeka, it is said, is a direct descendant of a king, who greeted stanley in the 1870s. please, uh, please thank him for the privilege of, uh, seeing his community. [ speaking foreign language ]
pierre: yeah. anthony: a lot of work. well, it looks like they re not having an entirely miserable time with it. that water looks good. on a good day, how many like this? anthony: 50? ogi: yeah, 50. anthony: right, hundreds of them used to come, yes? ogi: oh yeah. anthony: well, things get a little better here, maybe they ll come back. ogi: i hope so. anthony: i hope so, too.
ancient passenger cars, and the tracks themselves have slowly receded into the jungle. [ metal pounding ] and yet all these years later, with hardly any resources, monsieur aloub emile, the railway administrator, and a staff of clerks, conductors, mechanics and engineers show up at work and do what they can in an attempt to keep things in working order. how do you do? christian: he said that you re welcome to see this place. anthony: how many employees, still work here?
this is older than our story probably. the chief said, uh, his father gave it to him in 1935. so, who knows, man, wow. so, where d you get the bracelet? oh, an african king gave it to me, the congo river. where d you get yours? we ve come a long way down river, but with many kilometers still to go, attention is turned towards the evening meal. i figure i ll make coq au vin, which is a pretty simple way of dealing with a bunch of tough, old, stringy birds in one pot. getting close to killy time. the moment of truth. it s quickly getting dark and i m very aware of a number of things. how do they usually kill chickens? dan: a small knife. anthony: a small knife, cut the head off? dan: a small knife. anthony: our chickens are thin, straggly, and tough. dan: ah, he s biting me. anthony: in order to make anything, any kind of edible, i m probably going to have to
anthony: blocked by officials? this could be months. okay. let the probing begin. [ speaking foreign language ] dan: we need this boat to move here now. how do we do this? anthony: let s get underway before they figure a new tax to levy on us. people: bye. bye, bye. anthony: our trip downriver will take us some 120 kilometers even deeper into the jungle. but instead of kurtz and his ivory horde, a crumbling belgian research center with a shadowy past awaits us at our destination. this is a turn of the century map, so kisangani was then called stanleyville. leopoldville, that would be here.