easy to attack. i want individuals to have their own insurance. that means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. it also means if you don t like what they do, you can fire them. i like being able to fire people who provide services to me. if someone doesn t give me good service, i want to say i m going to get somebody else to provide that service to me. seven of those words, i like being able to fire people, knocked front-runner romney back on his heels. jim acosta joins from us bedford, new hampshire. i get the bigger context. not so controversial if you listen to it all and hear it out. isn t he supposed to know better? you would think so, john. i was in that room with governor romney when he made those comments. the people listening to him, it was granted a chamber of commerce audience. they didn t really notice this as any sort of gaffe or stumble. but in the context of the narrative that he has been in in the last 24 hours, these were no