On Saturday (Sep 23), former actor Wu Weiqiang took to Facebook to share photos from a Mid-Autumn Festival gathering attended by veteran actors and crew members that was held earlier that day.
TV News - About 70 veteran actors and backstage crew members met for a nostalgic afternoon last Saturday, with former actor Xie Shaoguang making a rare public appearance. Local actress Chen Xiuhuan and former actor Wu Weiqiang shared on social media last Saturday several photos of. Read more at www.tnp.sg
SINGAPORE About 70 veteran actors and backstage crew members met for a nostalgic afternoon last Saturday (Sept 23), with former actor Xie Shaoguang making a rare public appearance. Local actress Chen Xiuhuan and former actor Wu Weiqiang shared on social media last Saturday several photos of the Mid-Autumn Festival gathering held at a restaurant that day. The festival falls.
TV News - At the Star Awards 2022, veteran Singapore actor Chen Hanwei landed his seventh Best Actor win of his career, prompting the 53-year-old to urge for more recognition for local entertainment’s young stars. His Best Actress counterpart was long-time friend and fellow. Read more at www.tnp.sg
TV News - Singaporean actress-host Sharon Au, who is based in Paris, recently met up with her idol, former actress Ivy Lee. In an Instagram post on Friday (July 29), Au wrote: "My idol Ivy Lee in Paris. I fell in love with her portrayal of Ah Ju in Stepping Out, which was to me one. Read more at www.tnp.sg