Green River Star -
February 3, 2021
The Sweetwater Regional Cancer Center received a grant from the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative for the fourth year in a row to host its annual Paint the Town Pink and Ladies Night Out Initiative – a community education and awareness event scheduled for October 2021.
The grant award has been named in honor of Sweetwater County resident Patricia “Tricia” Angelovich for serving as the Pink Ribbon Run’s Pink Flamingo Flock Boss and for her contributions in supporting the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative.
The purpose of the grant-funded event is to spread awareness of breast health ed.
ROCK SPRINGS It was another successful October for the Sweetwater Regional Cancer Center’s Paint the Town Pink and Ladies Night Out Initiative to raise breast cancer awareness in the community.
As a result, SRCC has received a sizeable grant from the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative to promote the event for a fourth year in a row in 2021.
The grant award has been named in honor of Sweetwater County resident Patricia “Tricia” Angelovich for serving as the Pink Ribbon Run’s Pink Flamingo Flock Boss and for her contributions in supporting the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative.
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