sparing, and can t be that you appear to have rolled out of the (áñç2mañ wrong side of the beddduring an interview, which rand(ci seemed like on the today show interview. look there sx,ddy a place obviously for pushing back against@-< reporters. he did it in press)rww availability in new hampshire and worked wonderful wonderfully, question about abortion, saidf#-3up;. wasserman schultzwút her]$fu position. that was fine. tv ë a more sensitivep0 if you seem graceless and prickly on tv,e i don t think it was particularly provoked in either of these two intervú,1ñ you re going to lose, no matter= you are. do you think there are folks trying to exploit this for political gain, that somehow(xnl see7
sparing, and can t be that you appear to have rolled out of the (áñç2mañ wrong side of the beddduring an interview, which rand(ci seemed like on the today show interview. look there sx,ddy a place obviously for pushing back against@-< reporters. he did it in press)rww availability in new hampshire and worked wonderful wonderfully, question about abortion, saidf#-3up;. wasserman schultzwút her]$fu position. that was fine. tv ë a more sensitivep0 if you seem graceless and prickly on tv,e i don t think it was particularly provoked in either of these two intervú,1ñ you re going to lose, no matter= you are. do you think there are folks trying to exploit this for political gain, that somehow(xnl see7