Scott Bade Contributor Share on Twitter Scott Bade is special series editor of the TechCrunch Global Affairs Project and a regular contributor on foreign affairs. He's a former speechwriter for Mike Bloomberg and co-author of "More Human: Designing a World Where People Come First." More posts by this contributor Digital diplomacy gets a reboot Is […]
It should come as no surprise that government bureaucracies move slowly. But that just makes this week’s launch of the State Department’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy (CDP) seem positively nimble by comparison.
Scott Bade Contributor Share on Twitter Scott Bade is special series editor of the TechCrunch Global Affairs Project and a regular contributor on foreign affairs. He's a former speechwriter for Mike Bloomberg and co-author of "More Human: Designing a World Where People Come First." More posts by this contributor China and US tech crackdowns set […]
This is the first in a pair of articles comparing the impact of the U.S. and Chinese tech crackdowns. This piece considers the geopolitical consequences of each country’s respective approaches.