It’s inevitable that March Madness is going to impact office productivity, writes columnist Heather Boulger. But if managed correctly, it’s also a great opportunity to establish an annual ritual that
Business Briefs: Jan. 15, 2021
McKELLICK Workforce board seeking award nominations
GREENFIELD The MassHire Franklin Hampshire Workforce Board is seeking nominations of deserving companies to receive its Workforce Development Leader Award.
According to the description on the nomination form, the workforce board will look for some (though not necessarily all) of the following characteristics when selecting winners this year:
■A company that provided support throughout the pandemic, with an eye to health and safety of employees and the public
■A company that was able to continue operations through innovation
■A company that is generally known as a good place to work
■A company with a reputation for investing in workers (for example by training, advancing and promoting people from within; providing special job training or exploration opportunities for youth or other populations; using services of the One-Stop Career Centers; or taking advantage of other resourc