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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110410:00:52:00

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I Lionsels , Jim Thit , Obroos Titws , Wnw Havhe , Wheavhowi Irodu , Ro Weros , Procer Eyn , He Nit Aouita , Jim Radinalnd , Onocal Andit , Diguit Alsoror ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110411:00:52:45

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110411:00:52:45
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Lit Wwhen W , Fro Wmhem Ic , Ey Onui Ta , Th Partobnt Ovoca , Ttlm Wit , Ltle Rockit En Wha , Wnw Havhe , We Haavvehe , Ck Thei Jobtlntdu , Rortce Orvo , Ffckrom Adio ,