on fox news channel. america is watching. you re welcome. america. it s time now for one more thing. we got to start with jesse jesse s apology tour. nevea very lonr done one of then a while. a very long while, but i have to. where he had a sink or swim controversy last week involving jessica tarlovlvin. let s watch. how many pounds does jesse jaw weigh? 20 nine and a half. £27. congratulations. ng tha el i committed fraud during that election. i mean, the show. so jesse junior is £30. i did not know that when she said something. and you were closer. i just gave the win to carly. carly has just returned fromk maternity. i felt like that was the rightiz thing to do. i apologized, ae.
bit. something set the call and then they heard shots again. it might have been a few d they got there, theyñi5a■ startv reacting and heard some more5a■d went fáñupstairs. again,s÷urj one of those fáthin, that was the old method was they didñi not go in. we figured out getting fire and ems in, evea■ before sometimes that we know allxd the threats e gone helps save lives. she talked about how they went in as a response team, fire equipment and paramedics wearing tactical gear, at least b)t making entry with the police. that is one of the first times i hat well. it sounds like theyñi had gone throughr she was veryçóñr systematic on she went through ñithat,xdñi wh
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