COVID variant, B.1.1.7. threatens children and rates are rising in neighboring states. By Terry Falk - Apr 12th, 2021 10:36 am //end headline wrapper ?>School classroom. (Pixabay License).
On April 5, the city of Madison reported that 21 children and daycare workers at one facility came down with the B.1.1.7 variant. A recent
Examiner article outlined that an increase in this variant was far more contagious and far more likely to cause serious health complications.
Because its transmission rate is 50% to 100% greater than the original COVID-19, the B.1.1.7 mutation, which was first identified in the United Kingdom, is already the dominant strand in Wisconsin. Previous evidence showed that, with the original strain, adults were most affected; children were far less likely to get sick from the virus and to transmit it. This new variant has changed all that.
Anticipating a state repeal, local governments enacting their own mandates. //end headline wrapper ?>Man wearing a mask. (Pixabay License).
Local governments in Wisconsin are enacting local ordinances requiring face masks to slow the spread of COVID-19 in anticipation that Republican state lawmakers will nullify Gov.
On Tuesday, the Eau Claire City Council and Eau Claire County Board of Supervisors approved identical ordinances requiring face masks in businesses and public indoor settings if the statewide mandate is repealed. Those violating the order could face $200 fines.
During extended online public comment sessions in both chambers, some speakers railed against the mask requirements claiming the ordinances were unconstitutional, ineffective and potentially criminal. Others, speaking in support of the mandate, urged members to have something in place to protect vulnerable community members in the event the statewide order is undone.