A Vermont snowboarding coach fired for violating the school's policy against "hazing, harassment, and bullying" over his views about transgender athletes has sued to get his job back, accusing school officials of breaching his free-speech rights.
WOODSTOCK In ballot voting on Tuesday, Woodstock voters elected town and school officers in uncontested races.Keri Cole was elected to a three-year term on the Selectboard, while Ray Bourgeois earned a two-year term.On the school side, Sam.
WOODSTOCK Windsor Central Unified Union School District voters will be asked at this year’s district meeting to approve $1 million to upgrade the heating system at Woodstock Union Middle High School.The school’s heating system, which dates back to.
The district, a product of Act 46 supervisory union mergers, is considering a name that’s less of a mouthful. Its student population hails from Woodstock, Barnard, Bridgewater, Pomfret, Reading, Killington and Plymouth.