In an unexpected twist, rumors about a potential revival for the enduring dark fantasy-horror series, Supernatural, have begun to surface. The iconic show, boasting fifteen seasons and making a lasting impact with 327 episodes, wrapped up in 2020, leaving fans simultaneously content and eager for further developments.
Despite bad weather conditions, the crew of Warner Bros. series The Winchesters was instructed to keep filming. Shortly thereafter, lightning struck a crew member. Now, Warner Bros. is being sued for last year’s incident in Louisiana, accused of ignoring safety rules. The suit asks for compensatory and punitive damages for physical injuries, pain, and emotional …
‘Down to Earth with Zac Efron is a captivating Netflix original series, that follows the 35-year-old actor as he embarks on a global journey, offering viewers insightful glimpses into diverse cultures and ways of life. However, the series has been removed from CW.