A yacht sailing from Lerwick to Bergen in Norway was rammed by an orca on Monday, in the first such incident in northern waters. The whale hit the stern of the seven-ton boat repeatedly, creating "soft shocks" through the aluminium hull. The yachtsperson, Dr Wim Rutten, a 72-year-old retired Dutch physicist, was not injured but…
In the last three years, orca have started ‘attacking’ yachts on their way through the Gibraltar Straits. James Kenning looks at how to minimise the risk
Most attacks have taken place off the coast of Gibraltar and southern Spain, but recently the first known incident in British waters occurred, with an orca ramming a yacht off Shetland.
A pod in the strait of Gibraltar has sunk three boats and damaged dozens of others, and their story has captivated the world. What explains this unprecedented behaviour?