War it self. That shapes what we are looking at. If you view the onset of civil instead oftively, seeing all of the differences between north and south, you tend to spot the similarities. Think about it. , a two sides in the conflict war of rather against brother in some cases, literally so. The two sides shared a common language. They had similar cultures and religion. They shared a similar political philosophy. The north and south employed virtually the same weapons, used the same tactics, their top commanders graduated from the same military academy. Union put an army in this war, the confederacy put an army as well. Large, bute been as an army is there nonetheless. In other words, this is a surprisingly symmetrical war. In fact, it is hard to think of a more symmetrical war. Data such as these, which you have all seen . You have seen figures like this showing the resources of the north and the south in everything except cotton. Well, folks, i put it to you. If these statistics were