Following the report that Hui will join as a trainee in the upcoming Mnet's survival show, "Boys Planet" drew mixed reactions from K-pop fans. Amid the news, speculations of discord within PENTAGON also ignited due to THIS.
#PENTAGON #Hui #BoysPlanet #Jinho #Mnet #CubeEntertainment
According to a media outlet, two former TO1 members will appear on Mnet's "Boys Planet" as contestants.
#TOO #TO1 #티오원 #WAKEONE #Mnet #BoysPlanet #Mnet BoysPlanet #보이즈플래닛 #제롬 #웅기
A PENTAGON member will reportedly appear on Mnet's "Boys Planet" as one of the contestants. CUBE Entertainment has since responded to the report.
#PENTAGON #Mnet #BoysPlanet #MnetBoysPlanet #펜타곤 #이회택 #후이 #보이즈플래닛