australia, how, much of it ended up injust the australia, how, much of it ended up in just the hands of one man and injust the hands of one man and his friends? to discuss all of that in the studio, we have a correspondent for the australian newspapers, the age and the sydney morning herald, a writer who has been writing a weekly column for the guardian since 19 87, as a foreign correspondent in the united states, his podcast is called the first draft. lovely to have you all in the dateline studio. this is ourfinal month on air, so all in the dateline studio. this is our final month on air, so we ll make it a good one. polly, let me start with you, with one lick dashed when we left of the voting, how confident and at liz truss s supporters, that she will be in at downing street at the beginning of september? downing street at the beginning of se tember? , ,., downing street at the beginning of setember? , , , september? every poll puts her further and september? every poll