behavior. you make a choice to buy a car and then get a license. you don t make a choice to have a body. speak for yourself. this is going to the supreme court. how important was this particular ruling? it was going to go there anyway, right? yes. it is still important because of the way he struck down the whole law. at least theoretically. but what bothers me about the whole healthcare screening match pretending to be a debate, neither side republicans or democrats have addressed our basic healthcare problems. we are too fat. you want a healthcare plan, do push ups, eat a little less. i was a sergeant before i was an officer. i will gladly develop a program for you. by the way, you know what, healthcare rationing is coming. we can t afford to keep great granny alive month after month after month as she drools on the bed sheets. it is not going to happen. give me a little honesty and i