ARNIE WEXLER ASWEXLER@AOL.COM 954 5015270 Gambling Addiction addiction and Killing the youth of America Now with all the pro leagues are MAKING $ FROM THE GAMBLING Gambling addiction has exploded I have been getting calls and e mail from young people and mothers and fathers of young people looking for help How
Phil Mushnick | New York Post JUNE 2 2023Deserving honor awaits remarkable gambling counselorAfter penicillin, the greatest life-saver to my knowledge is Arnie Wexler, over 50 years in the thankless business of rescuing anonymous souls and their families from the addiction of gambling.And gambling is often a twin-addiction as it
ARNIE WEXLER ASWEXLER@AOL.COM 954 5015270 Some years back Commissioner Adam Silver, speaking at the Bloomberg Business Summit in New York, said That the league will eventually profit from legalized gambling on sports in the future, I wonder how many addicted gamblers placed the first bet they ever made
"Playoff games and the Super Bowl are to the compulsive gamblers what New Year's Eve is to the alcoholic," says Arnie Wexler, a leading expert on the subject of compulsive gambling and a recovering compulsive gambler himself. IF YOU ARE DOING A STORY ON THE SUPER BOWL GET TO ME According