contract action when you get a bill that s exorbitant. the only thing that this ez pass terms and conditions states is that if you commit certain violations you ll be charged up to $50 plus additional quote, administrative fees. they do not tell you what the administrative fees are. therein lies the rub, gretchen. rebecca, this one gentleman who owed $11,000 in fines i guess it was reduced to $2,200. he still says he is suing to get the money back because he was unaware that he was racking up the fining. that s it. he s saying look i m happy to pay the toll. i m not happy to pay what these administrative fees are. what jonna was saying is right. he is saying i wasn t apprised of what the fees would be and quite frankly, i didn t have intention to defraud ez pass. i changed my credit card number. the credit card should have advised their monthly payers
that ez pass one of them that the number had been changed. somehow or another ez pass is saying they were never advised. i doubt it because every credit card normally advises the monthly fee people the people that you regularly charge with. so what s happening here is he s saying ez pass is unduly burdening him with fines that are unnecessary, unfair and really being attributed to something that is a clerical error within ez pass. he is saying hey, you and everyone else that this has happened to come on board because we re going to get our money back is what he s basically saying. so jonna, who could be part of this class action suit. if somebody is watching and this has happened to them can they get involved? anybody who has been wrongfully charged by ez pass and was unable to resolve it. here is another kicker. according to the terms and conditions at least in our state, you only have 180 days to