8 January 2021, 6:54 pm EST By
Elon Musk s intention was true and straight: to use another encrypted messaging application for people s safety and privacy against WhatsApp s updated terms, but recent events reveal that people got the wrong company. Instead of the Signal app for encrypted messaging, a similar company, Signal Advance, received fame and a rise in stocks to a massive 1,100 percent.
(Photo : Screenshot From Luxury Zone YouTube)
Now World s Richest Person Elon Musk Promised About Half of Wealth to Help Earth s Problems While Other Half to Create Self-Sustaining City on Mars
In millennial terms, the public was bamboozled which involves eating a plainly looking jelly bean but getting a disgusting flavor instead, in the recent dispute over the updated terms of WhatsApp that asks for deeper access. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk s, the intention was plain and clear, to protect the people from unnecessary data access from the messaging company.