i d loveve to tell y yo, but i dodon t think k i barbibie in theaeaters. with w wet amd, sosometimes i worry y my world isis getting s smaller becaususe of my sisight. but t now, i canan open up my w world with h vabysmo. vabysmo isis the firstst fdfda-approveded treatmemet fofor people w with wet amad that improroves visionon and d delivers a a chance for up t to 4 monthshs bebetween treaeatments. which means dodoing more of f what i lovove. vabysmsmo is the only treatmentnt designed t to block 2 cacauses of wewet amd. vabybysmo is ann eyeye injectioion. don t tatake it if y you hae an i infection o or active swellingng in or a around yourur eye,
my most t importantt kikitchen toolol? my brarain. so i i choose neneuriva plus. ununlike some e others, neuriva plplus is a mumultitar supportingng 6 key indndicas of brarain health.h. to helelp keep me e sharp. neuriviva: think b bigger. with w wet amd, sosometimes i worry y my world isis getting s smaller becaususe of my sisight. but t now, i canan open up my w world with h vabysmo. vabysmo o is the firirst fda-approvoved treatmement fofor people w with wet amad that improroves visionon and d delivers a a chance for up t to 4 monthshs bebetween treaeatments. which means dodoing more of f what i lovove. vabysmsmo is the onlyly treatmentnt designed t to block 2 cacauses of wewet amd. vabybysmo is ann eyeye injection. don t tatake it if y you hae an i infection o or active swelliling in oror around yoyour eye, oror are allerergic to itt or any o of its ingrgredien. trtreatments l like vabysmso can cacause eye ininfectn
get t the facts s at propanane.com/now.w. wiwith wet amdmd, sometimems i worrrry my worldld is getetting smallller becacause of my y sight. but now,w, i cacan open up p my world with vababysmo. vavabysmo is t the first fda-apprproved treatatment fofor people w with wet amad that impmproves visision and d delivers a a chance fofor up to 4 4 months between trtreatments.. which memeans doingg more o of what i l love. vabysmo isis the ononly treatmement desisigned to blblock 2 2 causes of f wet amd. vabysmo o is an eye injectction. dodon t take i it if you h he anan infectionon or activee swellingng in or around d your eye,, or a are allergigic to it or any y of its ingngredients.. treaeatments likike vabysmoo can n cause eye e infectionn or r retinal detetachment. vabybysmo may cacause a temporarary increasese in eyeye pressure e after receivining the injejection. althoughgh uncommon,n, therere is a pototential risk of heaeart attack k or stroke asassociated w with blood clotots. open