Discover the inner workings of the Grand Junction Police Department with their Citizens Police Academy. This free program offers a comprehensive 10-week course on patrol operations, forensic investigations, K9 units, and more. Get a behind-the-scenes look at law enforcement and learn how to make critical decisions.
Discover the inner workings of the Grand Junction Police Department with their Citizens Police Academy. This free program offers a comprehensive 10-week course on patrol operations, forensic investigations, K9 units, and more. Get a behind-the-scenes look at law enforcement and learn how to make critical decisions.
Discover the inner workings of the Grand Junction Police Department with their Citizens Police Academy. This free program offers a comprehensive 10-week course on patrol operations, forensic investigations, K9 units, and more. Get a behind-the-scenes look at law enforcement and learn how to make critical decisions.
A Grand Junction, Colo. chiropractor, Todd Mitchell, has been arrested on alleged sex crime charges after female patients found a camera in an exam room.
A Grand Junction, Colo. chiropractor, Todd Mitchell, has been arrested on alleged sex crime charges after female patients found a camera in an exam room.