THURSDAY At 12:49 a.m., the Avis Fire Department responded to a motor vehicle accident that took place at milemarker 118 along state Route 220 southbound in Pine Creek Township. The call was cleared at 2 a.m. At 9:06 a.m., the Avis Fire Department, Wayne Township (McElhattan) Fire Department and and Jersey Shore (Independent Hose) Fire Department responded to a flue fire at 1022 Delaware Ave. in Pine Creek Township. The call was cleared at 9:34 a.m. At 10:34 a.m., the Avis Fire Department responded to a tree down at 2782 Woodward Avenue in Pine Creek Township. The call was cleared at 11:01 a.m. At 2:26 p.m., the Sugar Valley (Loganton) Fire Department responded to wires down at the intersection of Long Run Road and Riansares Road in Greene Township. The call was cleared at 3:18 p.m.