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From the May 16, 1973 edition of the Waverly News . DECATHLON WINNER - Ferman Beavers, senior athlete from Western High School earned the first place trophy in the first annual Pike County High School Decathlon, that finished up Saturday afternoon. Ferman compiled 80 points in taking the title. He is shown here being presented the individual trophy by Joe Rhoads, Manager of Ashland Finance Co. who donated the beautiful trophies. Beavers teamed up with Bruce Walls to also take the team trophy back to the west end of the county. (Staff photo) ....
LARGE CROWDS USE PARKS OVER HOLIDAY HOLIDAY FUN â Large crowds took advantage of the facilities offered at both Pike Lake and Lake White over the Fourth of July Holiday and the above picture shows some of the many ways they were used. Some just sat and watched, others sat and fished, while some went for a leisurely boat ride. In the background can be seen those who were really ambitious and went for a swim. Picnic lunches were spread on the many tables around the parks and the camping areas were full to overflowing. (Staff photo) ....