Largest NZ programme to fight child obesity kick started at 2016 Warehouse Group
Gala Dinner More
Wednesday, 17 August 2016, 12:47 pm | The Warehouse
A new programme to help fight child obesity in New Zealand has been chosen as the
recipient of funding from this year’s The Warehouse Group Gala Dinner, said The
Warehouse Group Chief Executive Officer Nick Grayston. More
Thursday, 11 August 2016, 12:57 pm | The Warehouse High res image and videos for publication (TBC): Winning audition clips. Kyle (6)
and Ayla (10) land roles as official Toy Testers for The Warehouse. More
Thursday, 7 July 2016, 11:37 am | The Warehouse To support the good work Te Puea Marae is doing to help Kiwi families in need, The
Calls for action to stop sexual violence
Stop Demand works to reduce demand that drives the global sex trade. It works to identify, challenge and seek a shift in attitudes and beliefs that underpin and sustain all forms of sexual violence, sexual exploitation and sexual denigration of women and children. Stop Demand s key platform is education - through public awareness raising, calling for local and global action, co-ordinating campaigns, mobilising the community in particular the male community, media engagement, and collaborating with governmental and non-governmental agencies.
Stop Demand - Latest News [Page 1]
Thursday, 1 April 2021, 1:22 pm | Stop Demand Today’s guilty plea in Sydney by New Zealand-born businessman Sir Ron Brierley,