media as usual slants news, a number of senators have said there ought to be a vote. they didn t say a vote of 51. most of them meant, if not every one, a vote of 60. that is conventionally a filibuster. should there be a vote unlike with merrick garland? absolutely. will we be able to ask for 60 votes and get a 60-vote threshold? absolutely. let me ask you about what happened last night with senator mcconnell and senator warren. we had senator war ren on by phone just off the floor as soon as it happened giving us her take on what happened. what is your take on what happened? i ask specifically because rule 19 exists, it s simple. it s almost never called. it s almost never used in the senate. why did they dust this off and bring it out in this way? well, that s the $64,000 question, rachel. this was what i call selective enforcement. when ted cruz called mitch
votes and get a 60-vote threshold? absolutely. let me ask you about what happened last night with senator mcconnell and senator warren. we had senator war ren on by phone just off the floor as soon as it happened giving us her take on what happened. what is your take on what happened? i ask specifically because rule 19 exists, it s simple. it s almost never called. it s almost never used in the senate. why did they dust this off and bring it out in this way? well, that s the $64,000 question, rachel. this was what i call selective enforcement. when ted cruz called mitch mcconnell a liar othe floor no one invoked article 19. when senator cotton said that harry was a harry reid was cancerous on the senate, no one invoked rule 19. in fact last week two senators
won t hold. well, the good old right wing media as usual slants news, a number of senators have said there ought to be a vote. they didn t say a vote of 51. most of them meant, if not every one, a vote of 60. that is conventionally a filibuster. should there be a vote unlike with merrick garland? absolutely. will we be able to ask for 60 votes and get a 60-vote threshold? absolutely. let me ask you about what happened last night with senator mcconnell and senator warren. we had senator war ren on by phone just off the floor as soon as it happened giving us her take on what happened. what is your take on what happened? i ask specifically because rule 19 exists, it s simple. it s almost never called. it s almost never used in the senate. why did they dust this off and bring it out in this way? well, that s the $64,000
came together to protect black people from violence, to assure access to the ballot box and to build economic opportunity. or to say it another way, black lives matter. black citizens matter and black families matter. [ applause ] two very different approaches on the issue of equal opportunity and the role of government. one that is sure to be an ongoing story line in the 2016 race for the white house. at the table, david k. johnson, professor at syracuse university law, author of divided. perry bacon jr., nbc news political reporter. christina greer, author of black ethic niiethicics. and katon dalton, former south carolina gop chair. welcome back, panel. christina, i want to start with you. i thought elizabeth war ren s
diane. sometimes you gotta take one for the societal team. in this case, you know, he didn t miss his war ren he did miss his war re-enactment and that is a tragedy. it is unfortunate. if there was a way for him to prove that this is not me being an idiot or trying to insight any sort of emotion here. i am just i have tourett s and i can t help it and the pilot could have been more understanding. i can see both sides of it. we already talked about how mill lant militant these aircrews can be. i also can see the pilot knowing this and exercising his authority. tom? yes. when i want to get out of doing my civil war re-enactment that i have already committed to, i just bring a fake grenade in my lug luggage. there were no grenades in the civil war. i am saying, you just bring the fake, plastic grenade and it kicks you off the flight