you take it as gospel that what the president will be talking about will be libya. this is a big bad world. we have trouble spots every where. afghanistan obviously. iraq also. it could be almost anywhere. w with all of the action and focus on libya right now and with this profoundly powerful attack really right where the libyan dictator or assumingly where he and his wife were living the night of the attack even the libyans. okay. who is on the telephone? wally ferris mideast expert. waleed, i am assuming, and again jennifer griffin, intel
we talked about korea. we have no proof of any event as literally earth shaking, figuratively and literally earth shaking as that. again i would love to get jennifer let s get jennifer griffin on the phone as well. mike emanuel as soon as you have a line to him at the white house let s see what is going on. i think that given the incredible security, the rigid security that has so far been surrounding this announcement which just came minutes before we went on the air at 10:00, this is big stuff going on. mideast expert waleed ferris what do you think? based on the information that you have announced it could be