i m running the show. he has a really stellar business record and reputation. he made a joke, i think, when someone said, what about your business reputation, it s so great? he said, well, not anymore. this is a minor hit for them. certainly something they need to turn around p.r.-why, but it was a cordial reaction. it didn t feel like anybody wanted to hold that wall street group accountable. wall treat is not a domestic issue but one that is connected to the larger global circumstances. so coming up next, we ll talk about how tomorrow s election in greece might, in fact, mean her more about our november election in the u.s. than you think. later we ll also talk about immigration. why do we talk about it all wrong all along? not once in my life did i ever think i would have heart disease. she just didn t fit the profile of a heart event victim. she s healthy, she eats properly. i was pushing my two kids in a stroller