they , too, are at an all time high . so now with the midterms aroundo the corner, democrats want you to forge allt all about this. instead, they want youn to foc. on only three main distractions . here s their game plan foring tv the next fifty seven days. idthey are attempting to divide the country on the basis of race and gende r and age, et cetera. it s their usual playbook,ge their election, your playbook or election year, depending on how you want to characterize it. republicans are racist, sexist, cisthomophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. they want dirty air, water. you know, the routine. second, democrats want to gin up hysteria around abortion and yet another lie. they will attempt to scare voters by claiming that voters y abortion is illegal. that simply is not true. after the dobbs ruling,ot abortion is still very much legal and the vast majority of i states and i have it on gooditi authoritiny that republicans in the senate will bring up a national abortio bring
show. we re ale,l this sensitive white liberals to defend these people. white lithey re not. this but this is why.y i am yeah, this is why i m so glad you re covering this case, tucker, because this is the tactic that tyrants always use when they want to implement a an authoritarian president . they choose people thaprecedt ms others uncomfortable when they want it to start banning people that they chose inthey opposition. alex jones, because they knew that even republicans would say, kne i don t want to defend those people, though. are there a bridge too far ? e and then the president gets that an expanded n-word. again, these are not people, the kind of black radicals, ests democratic party establishment representatives like there are res who attack the bidene are administration who don t vote democrat. these are real democ these decii and they know that notll even. democrats will defend them. n they o, they re not takin from apple and facebook. they weren t i tn onn the blm s. th