With the new installment of the acclaimed NEON Experience series, J Balvin and Pollen will be taking over the island of Ibiza. This will be happening from July 9-12 and will be Balvin's first performance in Ibiza since 2019.
These are the best hotels opening in 2021
Now let’s just hope we get to stay in them…
Jonathan Wells
When was the last time you stayed in a hotel? Feels like years ago, doesn’t it? Thankfully, when this latest lockdown finally lifts and it
will lift eventually 2021 has some first-rate, five-star offerings opening up for discerning globe-trotters and jet-setters.
From California to Cairo, Osaka to Ibiza, we’ve rounded up eight of the most exciting new hotels in the world below. Prime your passports, gents it’s time to check in.
In Japan, Zentis Osaka is a hotel for design-conscious travellers