The Kerala High Court recently held that any financial activity ought to be regulated reasonably within the ambit of law, and it cannot glissade into a situation where its operations become .
The Kerala High Court recently stated that the High Court shall admit and hear a second appeal under Order XLII Rule 1,2 read with Section 100 CPC only on substantial question of law and not on.
The Kerala High Court has referred the decision of a single judge in Natarajan T.K. v. T.K.Raman Achari (2023) for the consideration of a Division Bench in which it was held that Courts in Kerala have.
The Kerala High Court recently laid down that when a dispute arises on the correctness of valuation and Court fees to be paid, it ought to be determined after permitting evidence on the same, before.
The Kerala High Court recently laid down that no party could succeed a case by adducing evidence without support of pleadings, since the law is well-settled that one could be permitted to let in.