federal loan payments. none of them have to pay any of these loans back until january of 2023. president claiming that this targeted approach will actually have a positive effect, he says, on lowering inflation. but tax experts and republicans think that those numbers do not add up. this is senator tom cotton. watch this. the president doesn t have the power just to unilaterally on his own eliminate entire categories of de. of all the dumb things joe biden has done this is the dumbest yet. a terrible policy that will harm many more americans that it will help. a former obama economic advisor pushing back as well pouring roughly half a trillion of gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning is reckless, says jason fuhrman who was with the obama/biden administration and thinks it is a very bad move. jacqui heinrich joins us now live with more. good morning, martha. it is not just the press secretary refusing to admit that taxpayers are footing the bill for t
announcement from the white house, a brandou new generous three hundred billion dollar handout to ivy league graduates, sociology majors and many other irresponsible men and women that racked up massive student loans and no longer feel like l paying themr back isn t f that nice? now biden is calling it a loanjo forgiveness program. in reality, it should be calledl the biden bribery and vote buying act of 2020 two. all paid for by you. the hard working american people and truck drivers and farmers and weldersan and small business owners and members of the military and waiters and waitresses and bartenders and taxpayers that never went to college or maybe they already paid off their student loans. k well, nowow they re going tons be on the hook for the loans taken out by what, a harvard grad who majored in what gender studies now according to legend robin hood took from the rich and gave to the poor. but in the washington swamp, joseph robinette biden, well,
in reality, it should be called the biden bribery and vote buying act of 2022. sean hannity last night. critics say biden is walking a political tight rope while looking the fire up some of those young democrat voters who have outstanding bills to pay and who will be happy about this news. will it work? does it tick off more people than it pleases? power panel next. i have fantastic news for fellow veterans who need money for their family and home. there s a powerful va benefit that veterans have earned,