Vivo S12 and S12 Pro smartphones have been launched in China. Both the Vivo handsets come with 108-megapixel primary sensor and dual selfie cameras.The Vivo S12 comes with MediaTek Dimesity 1100 SoC, and the S12 Pro packs a MediaTek Dimesity 1200 SoC.
Vivo S12 lineup that includes two models — Vivo S12 and Vivo S12 Pro, will debut on December 22 in China. Ahead of the official launch, the vanilla Vivo S12 has been reportedly spotted in a China Telecom listing revealing specifications as well pricing details. Vivo S12 is said to feature triple rear cameras and dual selfie cameras.
Vivo is tipped to launch Vivo S12 and Vivo S12 Pro in the Chinese market. Its subsidiary, iQoo, is also believed to be working on two new Neo-series smartphones.