democrat back in 2012. certainly a lot of attention not just inputal election in florida but those down ballot races, as well. thanks for joining us. coming up, welcome to the pants party. i said pants. it s a new kind, a pants party. hundreds of women protesting after a published letter called yoga pants the worst thing ever to happen to fashion. clearly the man who wrote this forgot about the 1980 and my mom in those crunch suits. that s next. tol, virgini w.i tennessee. on thiside of the road isirginia. and on this side it s tneee. no matter which state inhe country u live in, u could saveuneds car insurance by swihing to geo. look, i m in virginia. bi inennessee.geo. virginia. teessee. and now i m in virginessee. e how much you couldav on c insurance. or am i in tnania?