Robert Muggah co-founded the Igarapé Institute, a think and do tank working at the interface of security and development. He is also executive director of the SecDev Group, a digital risk group. He is a non-resident fellow or faculty at Singularity University, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, the University of British Columbia and the University of San Diego.
Robert Muggah co-founded the Igarapé Institute, a think and do tank working at the interface of security and development. He is also executive director of the SecDev Group, a digital risk group. He is a non-resident fellow or faculty at Singularity University, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, the University of British Columbia and the University of San Diego.
El Centro Fellows The El Centro Fellows have expertise in and commitment to Latin America, support SWJ's particular focus on the small wars in the region, and agree with SWJ's general approach to advancing discussion and awareness in the field through community dialog and publishing.
El Centro Fellows The El Centro Fellows have expertise in and commitment to Latin America, support SWJ's particular focus on the small wars in the region, and agree with SWJ's general approach to advancing discussion and awareness in the field through community dialog and publishing.