From left: Wayne Sutherland (director, JMMB Group), Professor Jennifer Bailey, (assistant professor, Babson College) , Stuart Payne and Cereta McDougall, 3rd place winners, Kristen Gyles, 1st place winner, Nkrumah Fong, 2nd place winner and Douglas Lindo, (chairman, Vincent HoSang Entrepreneurship Programme), following the recent Vincent HoSang UWI Venture Competition (UWIVC), hosted by the Mona School of Business and Management (MSBM).
The eight student teams of budding student entrepreneurs, who emerged from the 22 teams participating in the 2020 Vincent HoSang UWI Venture Competition (UWIVC), demonstrated an apt response to the “new normal” business environment by showcasing digital solutions to current problems and gaps in the market.