Starring Ranbir Kapoor, Sai Pallavi and Yash in lead, Ramayana is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and the team is targetting to bring the film during the Diwali 2025 period. Detailed Report
A recent report indicates that Nitesh Tiwari has approached Vijay Sethupathi for the character of Vibhishan in his forthcoming Ramayan trilogy. - Vijay Sethupathi to Bag Vibhishan s Role in Nitesh Tiwari s Ramayan ? Here s What We Know
Merry Christmas isn’t really an advance-heavy film but rather a piece of content that would depend on word of mouth to see a spike in business over the weekend. Detailed Report
Vijay Sethupathi, who will be soon seen in upcoming thriller Merry Christmas, recently spoke about the fear of being overexposed, leading to his audience not connecting with the characters he plays on-screen.